The current occupant of the White House has been making it inscreasingly clear that he despises the military and service men. First, he skipped the Salute to the Heroes Ball on Inauguration night. Now he proposes to make soldiers financially responsible for treatment of injuries connected to their time in service.
“It’s a betrayal,” said Joe Violante, legislative director of Disabled American Veterans, which signed the letter to Obama. “My insurance company didn’t send me to Vietnam, my government did. The same holds true for men and women now fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. It’s the government’s responsibility.”
Betrayal is right, but honestly, I didn’t expect any better. Obama isn’t a man who has any innate respect for the military, for soldiers or for the cost of serving. I don’t know who he respects, but it isn’t them. It is infuriating to know that he is using tricks like this to make his over all budget more palatable. Using money lashed off the backs of those who are forced to call him Commander in order to fund I don’t even know what ridiculous scheme that will involve vast quantities of government and very little for the people who pay the dang taxes.
(Hattip to Phelps) Hot Air has up the video of BHO promising exactly the opposite thing during his campaign.
(Hattip again to Phelps) This Ain’t Hell has this to say:
President Obama wants to charge combat wounded veterans for care to save $500 million while simultaneously GRANTING $900 million to terrorist in Palestine to recover from the beat down that they sorely deserved.
Also, we are cutting weapons. I’m just saying, ponder the above and think about where it leads.
Since inauguration night I’ve been continually disappointed in the new administration, not because I had any hopes for change. Because in this man, at this time and in the current situation (security-wise more than the economy) I believe he is doing absolutely everything in his power to ensure we are attacked again. Maybe, just maybe, he doesn’t realize it, but that is the path he’s taking us down.
I just liked what Rachel Lucas had to say about this.
Frankly I can’t BELIEVE it’s not a requirement that the Commander in Chief has served in uniform. You want to be boss of the military? Then spend some time in the military.
Ah but no, not our world-changing hopey President. He was too busy hitting the bong and “maybe a little blow when you could afford it” when he was a young man.
But hey – shut up. Europe likes us now, that’s what’s really important. Eyes on the prize, people.
and then:
It’ll be fascinating to see how far Obama pushes this before he comes to his senses. We should take bets. I give it about one day, now that Drudge has redlined it. Before you know it, there’ll be a statement, something about “oh no, no, that was never seriously considered, the evil right-wing machine has blown everything out of proportion, hey look, rainbows!”
The longer I think about this the angrier I get. Ragey even. It is beyond the pale that Obama would dare to make soldiers pay for injuries gained while laying down their lives for their country.